
class detectron2.checkpoint.Checkpointer(model: torch.nn.Module, save_dir: str = '', *, save_to_disk: bool = True, **checkpointables: Any)[source]

Bases: object

A checkpointer that can save/load model as well as extra checkpointable objects.

__init__(model: torch.nn.Module, save_dir: str = '', *, save_to_disk: bool = True, **checkpointables: Any)None[source]
  • model (nn.Module) – model.

  • save_dir (str) – a directory to save and find checkpoints.

  • save_to_disk (bool) – if True, save checkpoint to disk, otherwise disable saving for this checkpointer.

  • checkpointables (object) – any checkpointable objects, i.e., objects that have the state_dict() and load_state_dict() method. For example, it can be used like Checkpointer(model, “dir”, optimizer=optimizer).

add_checkpointable(key: str, checkpointable: Any)None[source]

Add checkpointable object for this checkpointer to track.

  • key (str) – the key used to save the object

  • checkpointable – any object with state_dict() and load_state_dict() method

save(name: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Dump model and checkpointables to a file.

  • name (str) – name of the file.

  • kwargs (dict) – extra arbitrary data to save.

load(path: str, checkpointables: Optional[List[str]] = None) → Dict[str, Any][source]

Load from the given checkpoint.

  • path (str) – path or url to the checkpoint. If empty, will not load anything.

  • checkpointables (list) – List of checkpointable names to load. If not specified (None), will load all the possible checkpointables.


dict – extra data loaded from the checkpoint that has not been processed. For example, those saved with save(**extra_data)().


bool – whether a checkpoint exists in the target directory.


str – The latest checkpoint file in target directory.

get_all_checkpoint_files() → List[str][source]


All available checkpoint files (.pth files) in target


resume_or_load(path: str, *, resume: bool = True) → Dict[str, Any][source]

If resume is True, this method attempts to resume from the last checkpoint, if exists. Otherwise, load checkpoint from the given path. This is useful when restarting an interrupted training job.

  • path (str) – path to the checkpoint.

  • resume (bool) – if True, resume from the last checkpoint if it exists and load the model together with all the checkpointables. Otherwise only load the model without loading any checkpointables.


same as load().

tag_last_checkpoint(last_filename_basename: str)None[source]

Tag the last checkpoint.


last_filename_basename (str) – the basename of the last filename.

class detectron2.checkpoint.PeriodicCheckpointer(checkpointer: fvcore.common.checkpoint.Checkpointer, period: int, max_iter: Optional[int] = None, max_to_keep: Optional[int] = None, file_prefix: str = 'model')[source]

Bases: object

Save checkpoints periodically. When .step(iteration) is called, it will execute on the given checkpointer, if iteration is a multiple of period or if max_iter is reached.


the underlying checkpointer object



__init__(checkpointer: fvcore.common.checkpoint.Checkpointer, period: int, max_iter: Optional[int] = None, max_to_keep: Optional[int] = None, file_prefix: str = 'model')None[source]
  • checkpointer – the checkpointer object used to save checkpoints.

  • period (int) – the period to save checkpoint.

  • max_iter (int) – maximum number of iterations. When it is reached, a checkpoint named “{file_prefix}_final” will be saved.

  • max_to_keep (int) – maximum number of most current checkpoints to keep, previous checkpoints will be deleted

  • file_prefix (str) – the prefix of checkpoint’s filename

step(iteration: int, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Perform the appropriate action at the given iteration.

  • iteration (int) – the current iteration, ranged in [0, max_iter-1].

  • kwargs (Any) – extra data to save, same as in

save(name: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Same argument as Use this method to manually save checkpoints outside the schedule.

class detectron2.checkpoint.DetectionCheckpointer(model, save_dir='', *, save_to_disk=None, **checkpointables)[source]

Bases: fvcore.common.checkpoint.Checkpointer

Same as Checkpointer, but is able to: 1. handle models in detectron & detectron2 model zoo, and apply conversions for legacy models. 2. correctly load checkpoints that are only available on the master worker

load(path, *args, **kwargs)[source]