Source code for fvcore.nn.giou_loss

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import torch

[docs]def giou_loss( boxes1: torch.Tensor, boxes2: torch.Tensor, reduction: str = "none", eps: float = 1e-7, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Generalized Intersection over Union Loss (Hamid Rezatofighi et. al) Gradient-friendly IoU loss with an additional penalty that is non-zero when the boxes do not overlap and scales with the size of their smallest enclosing box. This loss is symmetric, so the boxes1 and boxes2 arguments are interchangeable. Args: boxes1, boxes2 (Tensor): box locations in XYXY format, shape (N, 4) or (4,). reduction: 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum' 'none': No reduction will be applied to the output. 'mean': The output will be averaged. 'sum': The output will be summed. eps (float): small number to prevent division by zero """ x1, y1, x2, y2 = boxes1.unbind(dim=-1) x1g, y1g, x2g, y2g = boxes2.unbind(dim=-1) assert (x2 >= x1).all(), "bad box: x1 larger than x2" assert (y2 >= y1).all(), "bad box: y1 larger than y2" # Intersection keypoints xkis1 = torch.max(x1, x1g) ykis1 = torch.max(y1, y1g) xkis2 = torch.min(x2, x2g) ykis2 = torch.min(y2, y2g) intsctk = torch.zeros_like(x1) mask = (ykis2 > ykis1) & (xkis2 > xkis1) intsctk[mask] = (xkis2[mask] - xkis1[mask]) * (ykis2[mask] - ykis1[mask]) unionk = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + (x2g - x1g) * (y2g - y1g) - intsctk iouk = intsctk / (unionk + eps) # smallest enclosing box xc1 = torch.min(x1, x1g) yc1 = torch.min(y1, y1g) xc2 = torch.max(x2, x2g) yc2 = torch.max(y2, y2g) area_c = (xc2 - xc1) * (yc2 - yc1) miouk = iouk - ((area_c - unionk) / (area_c + eps)) loss = 1 - miouk if reduction == "mean": loss = loss.mean() if loss.numel() > 0 else 0.0 * loss.sum() elif reduction == "sum": loss = loss.sum() return loss