Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

Common data processing utilities that are used in a
typical object detection data pipeline.
import logging
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Union
import pycocotools.mask as mask_util
import torch
from PIL import Image

from detectron2.structures import (
from detectron2.utils.file_io import PathManager

from . import transforms as T
from .catalog import MetadataCatalog

__all__ = [

[docs]class SizeMismatchError(ValueError): """ When loaded image has difference width/height compared with annotation. """
# _M_RGB2YUV = [[0.299, 0.587, 0.114], [-0.14713, -0.28886, 0.436], [0.615, -0.51499, -0.10001]] _M_YUV2RGB = [[1.0, 0.0, 1.13983], [1.0, -0.39465, -0.58060], [1.0, 2.03211, 0.0]] # _EXIF_ORIENT = 274 # exif 'Orientation' tag def convert_PIL_to_numpy(image, format): """ Convert PIL image to numpy array of target format. Args: image (PIL.Image): a PIL image format (str): the format of output image Returns: (np.ndarray): also see `read_image` """ if format is not None: # PIL only supports RGB, so convert to RGB and flip channels over below conversion_format = format if format in ["BGR", "YUV-BT.601"]: conversion_format = "RGB" image = image.convert(conversion_format) image = np.asarray(image) # PIL squeezes out the channel dimension for "L", so make it HWC if format == "L": image = np.expand_dims(image, -1) # handle formats not supported by PIL elif format == "BGR": # flip channels if needed image = image[:, :, ::-1] elif format == "YUV-BT.601": image = image / 255.0 image =, np.array(_M_RGB2YUV).T) return image
[docs]def convert_image_to_rgb(image, format): """ Convert an image from given format to RGB. Args: image (np.ndarray or Tensor): an HWC image format (str): the format of input image, also see `read_image` Returns: (np.ndarray): (H,W,3) RGB image in 0-255 range, can be either float or uint8 """ if isinstance(image, torch.Tensor): image = image.cpu().numpy() if format == "BGR": image = image[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] elif format == "YUV-BT.601": image =, np.array(_M_YUV2RGB).T) image = image * 255.0 else: if format == "L": image = image[:, :, 0] image = image.astype(np.uint8) image = np.asarray(Image.fromarray(image, mode=format).convert("RGB")) return image
def _apply_exif_orientation(image): """ Applies the exif orientation correctly. This code exists per the bug: with the function `ImageOps.exif_transpose`. The Pillow source raises errors with various methods, especially `tobytes` Function based on: Args: image (PIL.Image): a PIL image Returns: (PIL.Image): the PIL image with exif orientation applied, if applicable """ if not hasattr(image, "getexif"): return image try: exif = image.getexif() except Exception: # exif = None if exif is None: return image orientation = exif.get(_EXIF_ORIENT) method = { 2: Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT, 3: Image.ROTATE_180, 4: Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM, 5: Image.TRANSPOSE, 6: Image.ROTATE_270, 7: Image.TRANSVERSE, 8: Image.ROTATE_90, }.get(orientation) if method is not None: return image.transpose(method) return image
[docs]def read_image(file_name, format=None): """ Read an image into the given format. Will apply rotation and flipping if the image has such exif information. Args: file_name (str): image file path format (str): one of the supported image modes in PIL, or "BGR" or "YUV-BT.601". Returns: image (np.ndarray): an HWC image in the given format, which is 0-255, uint8 for supported image modes in PIL or "BGR"; float (0-1 for Y) for YUV-BT.601. """ with, "rb") as f: image = # work around this bug: image = _apply_exif_orientation(image) return convert_PIL_to_numpy(image, format)
[docs]def check_image_size(dataset_dict, image): """ Raise an error if the image does not match the size specified in the dict. """ if "width" in dataset_dict or "height" in dataset_dict: image_wh = (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]) expected_wh = (dataset_dict["width"], dataset_dict["height"]) if not image_wh == expected_wh: raise SizeMismatchError( "Mismatched image shape{}, got {}, expect {}.".format( " for image " + dataset_dict["file_name"] if "file_name" in dataset_dict else "", image_wh, expected_wh, ) + " Please check the width/height in your annotation." ) # To ensure bbox always remap to original image size if "width" not in dataset_dict: dataset_dict["width"] = image.shape[1] if "height" not in dataset_dict: dataset_dict["height"] = image.shape[0]
[docs]def transform_proposals(dataset_dict, image_shape, transforms, *, proposal_topk, min_box_size=0): """ Apply transformations to the proposals in dataset_dict, if any. Args: dataset_dict (dict): a dict read from the dataset, possibly contains fields "proposal_boxes", "proposal_objectness_logits", "proposal_bbox_mode" image_shape (tuple): height, width transforms (TransformList): proposal_topk (int): only keep top-K scoring proposals min_box_size (int): proposals with either side smaller than this threshold are removed The input dict is modified in-place, with abovementioned keys removed. A new key "proposals" will be added. Its value is an `Instances` object which contains the transformed proposals in its field "proposal_boxes" and "objectness_logits". """ if "proposal_boxes" in dataset_dict: # Transform proposal boxes boxes = transforms.apply_box( BoxMode.convert( dataset_dict.pop("proposal_boxes"), dataset_dict.pop("proposal_bbox_mode"), BoxMode.XYXY_ABS, ) ) boxes = Boxes(boxes) objectness_logits = torch.as_tensor( dataset_dict.pop("proposal_objectness_logits").astype("float32") ) boxes.clip(image_shape) keep = boxes.nonempty(threshold=min_box_size) boxes = boxes[keep] objectness_logits = objectness_logits[keep] proposals = Instances(image_shape) proposals.proposal_boxes = boxes[:proposal_topk] proposals.objectness_logits = objectness_logits[:proposal_topk] dataset_dict["proposals"] = proposals
[docs]def transform_instance_annotations( annotation, transforms, image_size, *, keypoint_hflip_indices=None ): """ Apply transforms to box, segmentation and keypoints annotations of a single instance. It will use `transforms.apply_box` for the box, and `transforms.apply_coords` for segmentation polygons & keypoints. If you need anything more specially designed for each data structure, you'll need to implement your own version of this function or the transforms. Args: annotation (dict): dict of instance annotations for a single instance. It will be modified in-place. transforms (TransformList or list[Transform]): image_size (tuple): the height, width of the transformed image keypoint_hflip_indices (ndarray[int]): see `create_keypoint_hflip_indices`. Returns: dict: the same input dict with fields "bbox", "segmentation", "keypoints" transformed according to `transforms`. The "bbox_mode" field will be set to XYXY_ABS. """ if isinstance(transforms, (tuple, list)): transforms = T.TransformList(transforms) # bbox is 1d (per-instance bounding box) bbox = BoxMode.convert(annotation["bbox"], annotation["bbox_mode"], BoxMode.XYXY_ABS) # clip transformed bbox to image size bbox = transforms.apply_box(np.array([bbox]))[0].clip(min=0) annotation["bbox"] = np.minimum(bbox, list(image_size + image_size)[::-1]) annotation["bbox_mode"] = BoxMode.XYXY_ABS if "segmentation" in annotation: # each instance contains 1 or more polygons segm = annotation["segmentation"] if isinstance(segm, list): # polygons polygons = [np.asarray(p).reshape(-1, 2) for p in segm] annotation["segmentation"] = [ p.reshape(-1) for p in transforms.apply_polygons(polygons) ] elif isinstance(segm, dict): # RLE mask = mask_util.decode(segm) mask = transforms.apply_segmentation(mask) assert tuple(mask.shape[:2]) == image_size annotation["segmentation"] = mask else: raise ValueError( "Cannot transform segmentation of type '{}'!" "Supported types are: polygons as list[list[float] or ndarray]," " COCO-style RLE as a dict.".format(type(segm)) ) if "keypoints" in annotation: keypoints = transform_keypoint_annotations( annotation["keypoints"], transforms, image_size, keypoint_hflip_indices ) annotation["keypoints"] = keypoints return annotation
def transform_keypoint_annotations(keypoints, transforms, image_size, keypoint_hflip_indices=None): """ Transform keypoint annotations of an image. If a keypoint is transformed out of image boundary, it will be marked "unlabeled" (visibility=0) Args: keypoints (list[float]): Nx3 float in Detectron2's Dataset format. Each point is represented by (x, y, visibility). transforms (TransformList): image_size (tuple): the height, width of the transformed image keypoint_hflip_indices (ndarray[int]): see `create_keypoint_hflip_indices`. When `transforms` includes horizontal flip, will use the index mapping to flip keypoints. """ # (N*3,) -> (N, 3) keypoints = np.asarray(keypoints, dtype="float64").reshape(-1, 3) keypoints_xy = transforms.apply_coords(keypoints[:, :2]) # Set all out-of-boundary points to "unlabeled" inside = (keypoints_xy >= np.array([0, 0])) & (keypoints_xy <= np.array(image_size[::-1])) inside = inside.all(axis=1) keypoints[:, :2] = keypoints_xy keypoints[:, 2][~inside] = 0 # This assumes that HorizFlipTransform is the only one that does flip do_hflip = sum(isinstance(t, T.HFlipTransform) for t in transforms.transforms) % 2 == 1 # Alternative way: check if probe points was horizontally flipped. # probe = np.asarray([[0.0, 0.0], [image_width, 0.0]]) # probe_aug = transforms.apply_coords(probe.copy()) # do_hflip = np.sign(probe[1][0] - probe[0][0]) != np.sign(probe_aug[1][0] - probe_aug[0][0]) # noqa # If flipped, swap each keypoint with its opposite-handed equivalent if do_hflip: if keypoint_hflip_indices is None: raise ValueError("Cannot flip keypoints without providing flip indices!") if len(keypoints) != len(keypoint_hflip_indices): raise ValueError( "Keypoint data has {} points, but metadata " "contains {} points!".format(len(keypoints), len(keypoint_hflip_indices)) ) keypoints = keypoints[np.asarray(keypoint_hflip_indices, dtype=np.int32), :] # Maintain COCO convention that if visibility == 0 (unlabeled), then x, y = 0 keypoints[keypoints[:, 2] == 0] = 0 return keypoints
[docs]def annotations_to_instances(annos, image_size, mask_format="polygon"): """ Create an :class:`Instances` object used by the models, from instance annotations in the dataset dict. Args: annos (list[dict]): a list of instance annotations in one image, each element for one instance. image_size (tuple): height, width Returns: Instances: It will contain fields "gt_boxes", "gt_classes", "gt_masks", "gt_keypoints", if they can be obtained from `annos`. This is the format that builtin models expect. """ boxes = ( np.stack( [BoxMode.convert(obj["bbox"], obj["bbox_mode"], BoxMode.XYXY_ABS) for obj in annos] ) if len(annos) else np.zeros((0, 4)) ) target = Instances(image_size) target.gt_boxes = Boxes(boxes) classes = [int(obj["category_id"]) for obj in annos] classes = torch.tensor(classes, dtype=torch.int64) target.gt_classes = classes if len(annos) and "segmentation" in annos[0]: segms = [obj["segmentation"] for obj in annos] if mask_format == "polygon": try: masks = PolygonMasks(segms) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Failed to use mask_format=='polygon' from the given annotations!" ) from e else: assert mask_format == "bitmask", mask_format masks = [] for segm in segms: if isinstance(segm, list): # polygon masks.append(polygons_to_bitmask(segm, *image_size)) elif isinstance(segm, dict): # COCO RLE masks.append(mask_util.decode(segm)) elif isinstance(segm, np.ndarray): assert segm.ndim == 2, "Expect segmentation of 2 dimensions, got {}.".format( segm.ndim ) # mask array masks.append(segm) else: raise ValueError( "Cannot convert segmentation of type '{}' to BitMasks!" "Supported types are: polygons as list[list[float] or ndarray]," " COCO-style RLE as a dict, or a binary segmentation mask " " in a 2D numpy array of shape HxW.".format(type(segm)) ) # torch.from_numpy does not support array with negative stride. masks = BitMasks( torch.stack([torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(x)) for x in masks]) ) target.gt_masks = masks if len(annos) and "keypoints" in annos[0]: kpts = [obj.get("keypoints", []) for obj in annos] target.gt_keypoints = Keypoints(kpts) return target
[docs]def annotations_to_instances_rotated(annos, image_size): """ Create an :class:`Instances` object used by the models, from instance annotations in the dataset dict. Compared to `annotations_to_instances`, this function is for rotated boxes only Args: annos (list[dict]): a list of instance annotations in one image, each element for one instance. image_size (tuple): height, width Returns: Instances: Containing fields "gt_boxes", "gt_classes", if they can be obtained from `annos`. This is the format that builtin models expect. """ boxes = [obj["bbox"] for obj in annos] target = Instances(image_size) boxes = target.gt_boxes = RotatedBoxes(boxes) boxes.clip(image_size) classes = [obj["category_id"] for obj in annos] classes = torch.tensor(classes, dtype=torch.int64) target.gt_classes = classes return target
[docs]def filter_empty_instances( instances, by_box=True, by_mask=True, box_threshold=1e-5, return_mask=False ): """ Filter out empty instances in an `Instances` object. Args: instances (Instances): by_box (bool): whether to filter out instances with empty boxes by_mask (bool): whether to filter out instances with empty masks box_threshold (float): minimum width and height to be considered non-empty return_mask (bool): whether to return boolean mask of filtered instances Returns: Instances: the filtered instances. tensor[bool], optional: boolean mask of filtered instances """ assert by_box or by_mask r = [] if by_box: r.append(instances.gt_boxes.nonempty(threshold=box_threshold)) if instances.has("gt_masks") and by_mask: r.append(instances.gt_masks.nonempty()) # TODO: can also filter visible keypoints if not r: return instances m = r[0] for x in r[1:]: m = m & x if return_mask: return instances[m], m return instances[m]
[docs]def create_keypoint_hflip_indices(dataset_names: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[int]: """ Args: dataset_names: list of dataset names Returns: list[int]: a list of size=#keypoints, storing the horizontally-flipped keypoint indices. """ if isinstance(dataset_names, str): dataset_names = [dataset_names] check_metadata_consistency("keypoint_names", dataset_names) check_metadata_consistency("keypoint_flip_map", dataset_names) meta = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_names[0]) names = meta.keypoint_names # TODO flip -> hflip flip_map = dict(meta.keypoint_flip_map) flip_map.update({v: k for k, v in flip_map.items()}) flipped_names = [i if i not in flip_map else flip_map[i] for i in names] flip_indices = [names.index(i) for i in flipped_names] return flip_indices
def get_fed_loss_cls_weights(dataset_names: Union[str, List[str]], freq_weight_power=1.0): """ Get frequency weight for each class sorted by class id. We now calcualte freqency weight using image_count to the power freq_weight_power. Args: dataset_names: list of dataset names freq_weight_power: power value """ if isinstance(dataset_names, str): dataset_names = [dataset_names] check_metadata_consistency("class_image_count", dataset_names) meta = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_names[0]) class_freq_meta = meta.class_image_count class_freq = torch.tensor( [c["image_count"] for c in sorted(class_freq_meta, key=lambda x: x["id"])] ) class_freq_weight = class_freq.float() ** freq_weight_power return class_freq_weight def gen_crop_transform_with_instance(crop_size, image_size, instance): """ Generate a CropTransform so that the cropping region contains the center of the given instance. Args: crop_size (tuple): h, w in pixels image_size (tuple): h, w instance (dict): an annotation dict of one instance, in Detectron2's dataset format. """ crop_size = np.asarray(crop_size, dtype=np.int32) bbox = BoxMode.convert(instance["bbox"], instance["bbox_mode"], BoxMode.XYXY_ABS) center_yx = (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) * 0.5, (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) * 0.5 assert ( image_size[0] >= center_yx[0] and image_size[1] >= center_yx[1] ), "The annotation bounding box is outside of the image!" assert ( image_size[0] >= crop_size[0] and image_size[1] >= crop_size[1] ), "Crop size is larger than image size!" min_yx = np.maximum(np.floor(center_yx).astype(np.int32) - crop_size, 0) max_yx = np.maximum(np.asarray(image_size, dtype=np.int32) - crop_size, 0) max_yx = np.minimum(max_yx, np.ceil(center_yx).astype(np.int32)) y0 = np.random.randint(min_yx[0], max_yx[0] + 1) x0 = np.random.randint(min_yx[1], max_yx[1] + 1) return T.CropTransform(x0, y0, crop_size[1], crop_size[0]) def check_metadata_consistency(key, dataset_names): """ Check that the datasets have consistent metadata. Args: key (str): a metadata key dataset_names (list[str]): a list of dataset names Raises: AttributeError: if the key does not exist in the metadata ValueError: if the given datasets do not have the same metadata values defined by key """ if len(dataset_names) == 0: return logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) entries_per_dataset = [getattr(MetadataCatalog.get(d), key) for d in dataset_names] for idx, entry in enumerate(entries_per_dataset): if entry != entries_per_dataset[0]: logger.error( "Metadata '{}' for dataset '{}' is '{}'".format(key, dataset_names[idx], str(entry)) ) logger.error( "Metadata '{}' for dataset '{}' is '{}'".format( key, dataset_names[0], str(entries_per_dataset[0]) ) ) raise ValueError("Datasets have different metadata '{}'!".format(key))
[docs]def build_augmentation(cfg, is_train): """ Create a list of default :class:`Augmentation` from config. Now it includes resizing and flipping. Returns: list[Augmentation] """ if is_train: min_size = cfg.INPUT.MIN_SIZE_TRAIN max_size = cfg.INPUT.MAX_SIZE_TRAIN sample_style = cfg.INPUT.MIN_SIZE_TRAIN_SAMPLING else: min_size = cfg.INPUT.MIN_SIZE_TEST max_size = cfg.INPUT.MAX_SIZE_TEST sample_style = "choice" augmentation = [T.ResizeShortestEdge(min_size, max_size, sample_style)] if is_train and cfg.INPUT.RANDOM_FLIP != "none": augmentation.append( T.RandomFlip( horizontal=cfg.INPUT.RANDOM_FLIP == "horizontal", vertical=cfg.INPUT.RANDOM_FLIP == "vertical", ) ) return augmentation
build_transform_gen = build_augmentation """ Alias for backward-compatibility. """