Source code for detectron2.config.lazy

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

import ast
import builtins
import as abc
import importlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
import uuid
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import is_dataclass
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import cloudpickle
import yaml
from omegaconf import DictConfig, ListConfig, OmegaConf

from detectron2.utils.file_io import PathManager
from detectron2.utils.registry import _convert_target_to_string

__all__ = ["LazyCall", "LazyConfig"]

class LazyCall:
    Wrap a callable so that when it's called, the call will not be executed,
    but returns a dict that describes the call.

    LazyCall object has to be called with only keyword arguments. Positional
    arguments are not yet supported.

        from detectron2.config import instantiate, LazyCall

        layer_cfg = LazyCall(nn.Conv2d)(in_channels=32, out_channels=32)
        layer_cfg.out_channels = 64   # can edit it afterwards
        layer = instantiate(layer_cfg)

    def __init__(self, target):
        if not (callable(target) or isinstance(target, (str, abc.Mapping))):
            raise TypeError(
                f"target of LazyCall must be a callable or defines a callable! Got {target}"
        self._target = target

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        if is_dataclass(self._target):
            # omegaconf object cannot hold dataclass type
            target = _convert_target_to_string(self._target)
            target = self._target
        kwargs["_target_"] = target

        return DictConfig(content=kwargs, flags={"allow_objects": True})

def _visit_dict_config(cfg, func):
    Apply func recursively to all DictConfig in cfg.
    if isinstance(cfg, DictConfig):
        for v in cfg.values():
            _visit_dict_config(v, func)
    elif isinstance(cfg, ListConfig):
        for v in cfg:
            _visit_dict_config(v, func)

def _validate_py_syntax(filename):
    # see also
    with, "r") as f:
        content =
    except SyntaxError as e:
        raise SyntaxError(f"Config file {filename} has syntax error!") from e

def _cast_to_config(obj):
    # if given a dict, return DictConfig instead
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        return DictConfig(obj, flags={"allow_objects": True})
    return obj

_CFG_PACKAGE_NAME = "detectron2._cfg_loader"
A namespace to put all imported config into.

def _random_package_name(filename):
    # generate a random package name when loading config files
    return _CFG_PACKAGE_NAME + str(uuid.uuid4())[:4] + "." + os.path.basename(filename)

def _patch_import():
    Enhance relative import statements in config files, so that they:
    1. locate files purely based on relative location, regardless of packages.
       e.g. you can import file without having __init__
    2. do not cache modules globally; modifications of module states has no side effect
    3. support other storage system through PathManager
    4. imported dict are turned into omegaconf.DictConfig automatically
    old_import = builtins.__import__

    def find_relative_file(original_file, relative_import_path, level):
        cur_file = os.path.dirname(original_file)
        for _ in range(level - 1):
            cur_file = os.path.dirname(cur_file)
        cur_name = relative_import_path.lstrip(".")
        for part in cur_name.split("."):
            cur_file = os.path.join(cur_file, part)
        # NOTE: directory import is not handled. Because then it's unclear
        # if such import should produce python module or DictConfig. This can
        # be discussed further if needed.
        if not cur_file.endswith(".py"):
            cur_file += ".py"
        if not PathManager.isfile(cur_file):
            raise ImportError(
                f"Cannot import name {relative_import_path} from "
                f"{original_file}: {cur_file} has to exist."
        return cur_file

    def new_import(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=(), level=0):
        if (
            # Only deal with relative imports inside config files
            level != 0
            and globals is not None
            and (globals.get("__package__", "") or "").startswith(_CFG_PACKAGE_NAME)
            cur_file = find_relative_file(globals["__file__"], name, level)
            spec = importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec(
                _random_package_name(cur_file), None, origin=cur_file
            module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
            module.__file__ = cur_file
            with as f:
                content =
            exec(compile(content, cur_file, "exec"), module.__dict__)
            for name in fromlist:  # turn imported dict into DictConfig automatically
                val = _cast_to_config(module.__dict__[name])
                module.__dict__[name] = val
            return module
        return old_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist=fromlist, level=level)

    builtins.__import__ = new_import
    yield new_import
    builtins.__import__ = old_import

class LazyConfig:
    Provide methods to save, load, and overrides an omegaconf config object
    which may contain definition of lazily-constructed objects.

[docs] @staticmethod def load_rel(filename: str, keys: Union[None, str, Tuple[str, ...]] = None): """ Similar to :meth:`load()`, but load path relative to the caller's source file. This has the same functionality as a relative import, except that this method accepts filename as a string, so more characters are allowed in the filename. """ caller_frame = inspect.stack()[1] caller_fname = caller_frame[0].f_code.co_filename assert caller_fname != "<string>", "load_rel Unable to find caller" caller_dir = os.path.dirname(caller_fname) filename = os.path.join(caller_dir, filename) return LazyConfig.load(filename, keys)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(filename: str, keys: Union[None, str, Tuple[str, ...]] = None): """ Load a config file. Args: filename: absolute path or relative path w.r.t. the current working directory keys: keys to load and return. If not given, return all keys (whose values are config objects) in a dict. """ has_keys = keys is not None filename = filename.replace("/./", "/") # redundant if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] not in [".py", ".yaml", ".yml"]: raise ValueError(f"Config file {filename} has to be a python or yaml file.") if filename.endswith(".py"): _validate_py_syntax(filename) with _patch_import(): # Record the filename module_namespace = { "__file__": filename, "__package__": _random_package_name(filename), } with as f: content = # Compile first with filename to: # 1. make filename appears in stacktrace # 2. make load_rel able to find its parent's (possibly remote) location exec(compile(content, filename, "exec"), module_namespace) ret = module_namespace else: with as f: obj = yaml.unsafe_load(f) ret = OmegaConf.create(obj, flags={"allow_objects": True}) if has_keys: if isinstance(keys, str): return _cast_to_config(ret[keys]) else: return tuple(_cast_to_config(ret[a]) for a in keys) else: if filename.endswith(".py"): # when not specified, only load those that are config objects ret = DictConfig( { name: _cast_to_config(value) for name, value in ret.items() if isinstance(value, (DictConfig, ListConfig, dict)) and not name.startswith("_") }, flags={"allow_objects": True}, ) return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def save(cfg, filename: str): """ Save a config object to a yaml file. Note that when the config dictionary contains complex objects (e.g. lambda), it can't be saved to yaml. In that case we will print an error and attempt to save to a pkl file instead. Args: cfg: an omegaconf config object filename: yaml file name to save the config file """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: cfg = deepcopy(cfg) except Exception: pass else: # if it's deep-copyable, then... def _replace_type_by_name(x): if "_target_" in x and callable(x._target_): try: x._target_ = _convert_target_to_string(x._target_) except AttributeError: pass # not necessary, but makes yaml looks nicer _visit_dict_config(cfg, _replace_type_by_name) save_pkl = False try: dict = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=False) dumped = yaml.dump(dict, default_flow_style=None, allow_unicode=True, width=9999) with, "w") as f: f.write(dumped) try: _ = yaml.unsafe_load(dumped) # test that it is loadable except Exception: logger.warning( "The config contains objects that cannot serialize to a valid yaml. " f"{filename} is human-readable but cannot be loaded." ) save_pkl = True except Exception: logger.exception("Unable to serialize the config to yaml. Error:") save_pkl = True if save_pkl: new_filename = filename + ".pkl" try: # retry by pickle with, "wb") as f: cloudpickle.dump(cfg, f) logger.warning(f"Config is saved using cloudpickle at {new_filename}.") except Exception: pass
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_overrides(cfg, overrides: List[str]): """ In-place override contents of cfg. Args: cfg: an omegaconf config object overrides: list of strings in the format of "a=b" to override configs. See for syntax. Returns: the cfg object """ def safe_update(cfg, key, value): parts = key.split(".") for idx in range(1, len(parts)): prefix = ".".join(parts[:idx]) v =, prefix, default=None) if v is None: break if not OmegaConf.is_config(v): raise KeyError( f"Trying to update key {key}, but {prefix} " f"is not a config, but has type {type(v)}." ) OmegaConf.update(cfg, key, value, merge=True) from hydra.core.override_parser.overrides_parser import OverridesParser parser = OverridesParser.create() overrides = parser.parse_overrides(overrides) for o in overrides: key = o.key_or_group value = o.value() if o.is_delete(): # TODO support this raise NotImplementedError("deletion is not yet a supported override") safe_update(cfg, key, value) return cfg
[docs] @staticmethod def to_py(cfg, prefix: str = "cfg."): """ Try to convert a config object into Python-like psuedo code. Note that perfect conversion is not always possible. So the returned results are mainly meant to be human-readable, and not meant to be executed. Args: cfg: an omegaconf config object prefix: root name for the resulting code (default: "cfg.") Returns: str of formatted Python code """ import black cfg = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=True) def _to_str(obj, prefix=None, inside_call=False): if prefix is None: prefix = [] if isinstance(obj, abc.Mapping) and "_target_" in obj: # Dict representing a function call target = _convert_target_to_string(obj.pop("_target_")) args = [] for k, v in sorted(obj.items()): args.append(f"{k}={_to_str(v, inside_call=True)}") args = ", ".join(args) call = f"{target}({args})" return "".join(prefix) + call elif isinstance(obj, abc.Mapping) and not inside_call: # Dict that is not inside a call is a list of top-level config objects that we # render as one object per line with dot separated prefixes key_list = [] for k, v in sorted(obj.items()): if isinstance(v, abc.Mapping) and "_target_" not in v: key_list.append(_to_str(v, prefix=prefix + [k + "."])) else: key = "".join(prefix) + k key_list.append(f"{key}={_to_str(v)}") return "\n".join(key_list) elif isinstance(obj, abc.Mapping): # Dict that is inside a call is rendered as a regular dict return ( "{" + ",".join( f"{repr(k)}: {_to_str(v, inside_call=inside_call)}" for k, v in sorted(obj.items()) ) + "}" ) elif isinstance(obj, list): return "[" + ",".join(_to_str(x, inside_call=inside_call) for x in obj) + "]" else: return repr(obj) py_str = _to_str(cfg, prefix=[prefix]) try: return black.format_str(py_str, mode=black.Mode()) except black.InvalidInput: return py_str